Gunung Nuang Feb 25th
Velan, Choo, Gabriel, Bleinda, Pang, Cathrine and me
Velan, Choo, Gabriel, Bleinda, Pang, Cathrine and me
Posted by
Sunday, February 28, 2010
To the Ironmen/Woman .
All the best for this week race.
a) Lee
b) Ray Ng
c) Siok Bee
d) Keat Seong
Tmr hike is ON to Gng Nuang Nuang, todate 20 climbers will be joining me for the hike.
C u guys..
Posted by
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The training for the above will commence this Friday Feb 26th (Public holiday) to Gng Nuang.
Will start from the Park Office Ulu Langat 7am as the hike will take 10hrs return if you are going to the peak. To Camp Pacat its 6hrs.
Please note that the turnaround time is 1pm. if you have NOT reach the peak by 1pm. PLEASE TURN BACK.
I have also invited those climbers preparing for Mt Kk Climbathon.
So those who are interested pls. email me ya. Details will be posted later
Tony Q
Posted by
Monday, February 22, 2010
Gunung Nuang is located at Ulu Langat and this is the gunung which i fell very challenging and good training for Mt KK and Gng Tahan.
On Feb 26th which is a public holiday, m planning a hike there for the April & May climbers who will joining me to Mt KK
2 pits stop ie at Camp Pacat - 3/4 mark and to the peak. (Those reach camp pacat after 1pm need to pusing balik to the park office). M targetting 11am to reach pacat and 1pm to the peak.
Time to start is at 7am from the Park office so that we can be back by 6pm.
Details will be posted after CNY. email me shd u need further clarifications.
Posted by
Friday, February 12, 2010
The KL Towerthon is on March 21, 2010. Early bird registration at FTAAA RM20 else extra RM10.
So if u keen go to FTAAA before Friday.. it will be fun to walk 2,058 steps and then turn by lift..
Pay RM20, jog 800meters than climb 2,058 and reach top jalan jalan to view KL then turun by lift..
Lst yr got goody bag and plenty of food to makan...
Those joning me for Mt KK in April & May ... do come and join and take this as part of training..
Todate : Michelle, Ray Ng, Lee, Yap, Chey, Wong, Pathma will be joining.. and hope Vin & Heng also ljoin ah with the twins ahhahahah
Posted by
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Results :
Shih Ming 9th
Sayasan 10th
Michelle 11th
as for me came back 2hr 45mins. (21km) .. as achilles tendon sakit at 13km mark....
hmm rec'd sms from Kelvin.. he went straight home after the run... kena 'sayor' by ????? (ask him) and got cramp
As for Pathma.. saw him with his angel after that missing from the start to the end...(did he run?)
So lee and me wonder.. hmmmmmm hahahahhaha
Ok Guys.. it a week to Chinese New Year, thos balik kampong safe driving ya.. and city day run on Feb 16 at Dataran ..
Mt KK climbathoners and those joining be for the April and May climb.. take note KL Towerthon on March 21st.. early bird RM20 last yr got goody bay plus b'fast. so this yr.. aiyaaa just come and climb up 2,000 steps ie 9 1/2 time of Batu caves..
Posted by
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Those keen to join pls. email me as need to keep you updated on the registration and training schedule and accomodation. Even its 8 mths but need to plan so that by the race day , you guys will be ready to take the challenge.
To date 8 climbers confirmed.
It will be an experience you will remember .
Expected Cost :
Registration : RM60 (Open) RM30 (Veteran) (Registration Open after CNY)
Air Fare : Wait for Offer (Last yr got for Rm110 return)
Accomodation : RM150 - 200 (3 nites) (if dormitories outside park/KK - RM150) additional RM50 shd the group decide to stay in KK town (Hotel) twin sharing
Food : (Sendiri)
Misc : rm10 - Admin Fees such telephone charges, petrol expenses and etc for contact person to do the errands at KK
Transport : If can get 10 then hire a van and will take us mana mana we want to go. ie from Airport to National Park, shopping, makan, etc. for 4D/3N.
The organiser also provide transport free but from Town to national Park and back.. then have to find our own.
Budget RM400 exclude airfare any excess will use for makan makan on the last day..
Posted by
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Tonite will be running 21km as the last 4 months hardly do 10km after the Powerman race
Knees ok after running the PACM track meet anyway for tonite target 2hrs 30mins... will be a relaxing run...
Total 8,000 runners will be taking part tonite and the race will start at 8pm for 42km, followed by 21km at 8.30pm and 7km at 9pm.
Posted by
Saturday, February 06, 2010
When i told KC that i will be doing the Mt KK climbathon again, as last yr till sayat syat i got cramp so this yr target to the peak but with early preparation.
KC is keen also and he posted in his blog, reponse encouraging as I will schedule the training as it aslo part of the Mt KK climb in April/May as leading a group.
Ah Weng & Chong called me and confirmed so need to check on the cheap fare, Have to contact Yee Choy to join as his son Roger keen to challenge with his dad.
its still preliminary stage as will have more details soon.
Pixs on last yr climbathon is in the face book
Tony Q
Posted by
Friday, February 05, 2010
Bkt Aman Group the Champions in the 9th PACM Track Meet lead by Pek Moi
Posted by
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Greetings all.. i back after 3 mths of wrok work work.. every week lah till all plans for hiking kena rescheduled..
So it Feb 26th Gng Nuang in preparation ofr Mt KK in April/May and also for Mt Kk Climbathon on Oct 23 -24, 2010.
KC have posted the events and registration for the climbathon will be in mid february, so u guys keen pls, email me ya....
This sat. its Putrajaya nite run and the gang running are Kelvin, Lee, Yap, Pathma, Debbie, Mich, Ray, Elaine, Josie, Khee Meng, Agnes, Chong, Steven and me lah..
The 42km run will start at 8pm followed by the 21km & 7 km ..
On March 27th its the Energizer Nite run organised by PACM.. its RM 60 for all categories and what store are ; Addidas Running Vest, Shick, Energizer Head Lamp and many more...
its online registration and limited places.
So wait for more news ya on hiking...
Have a great week ahead
Tony Q
Posted by
Tuesday, February 02, 2010