Mar 27, 2008
Mar 26, 2008
Jelawang Waterfall - Kelantan
Jelawang Waterfall
Sunrise - Look like, feel like but not Mt KK
Last week , 2 groups went separate ways for holidays , one to mountain top and the other to ocean deep..
YeohSC, Aisin, Siok Leng, Siok Bee, Lee and Yap went to Pulau Weh, Acheh for diving trip, while i lead a group to hike Gng Beirut at Kelantan joining me were Chong, Yee Choi, Lai Kuan and few hikers..
Stories of the adventure will be posted soon....
Pixs of the Mountain top and Ocean deep posted..
Posted by
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
possible ? watch video !!
This is a documentary about a boy (Ben Underwood) who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats.
Posted by
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mar 25, 2008
Pulau Weh - Part I
I had just came back from my Weh Island diving trip.
Here are some of the photos I took.
Is me...
Ai Sin - Showing her Lotus post
is me - at the wreck
Siok Bee and Siok Leng
is me...
Siok Bee - Showing her Superman post
Siok Leng
Siok Leng - Looking at the coral
Leon - "I'm OK"
Stone Fish
Freckled Porcupine Fish
Moray eel
Feather Star
Black Saddled Puffer fish
Feather Star
Nudi branch
See cucumber
Feather Star
Star fish
Honeycomp Moray eel
Honeycomp Moray eel
Sea fan
Lion Fish
Lion fish
More pictures will coming up soon...
Posted by
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mar 17, 2008
Tapering week for KLIM '08
Yup... this weekend is the last week for tapering to KLIM '08, but most of us won't be around.
Siok B, Siok Leng, Yeoh, Lee and Yap will be off to Weh Island while me will be arriving from Dabong Kelantan at 7.10am as I be hiking Gng Beirut and Jelawang Waterfall on Mar 19 ie this wednesday.
At todate, Vivian belum beranak.. overdue by a week.... hmmm Eric very kancong lah...
The Orange run I have registered for most of you, its on April 13 at the curve.
RMAF run is back... be sure to take part as the starting point is from the runaway... and the route is very hilly.. good training for those taking part in the Sundown.
Hmmm how about PD half.. and is back... wow there's number of runs lah particularly every week after KLIM '08.
If u want to eat Klang Bak Kut Teh.. there's Klang Pacer run but its clash with Bidor...
Last but not least be happy ya...
Posted by
Monday, March 17, 2008
Mar 11, 2008
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia or arch tendon of the foot. It is an over use injury causing heel pain which may radiate forward into the foot. Plantar fasciitis can also be know as a heel spur although they are not strictly the same. A heel spur is a bony growth that occurs at the attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel bone (calcaneus). A heel spur can occur (with repetitive pulling of the plantar fascia) on a foot with no symptoms at all and a painful heel can have no heel spur present
Hmmm have to ask Dr Ray, to simplified the above in a layman term ..
This injury is common to runners, so if u were to have it, get a golf ball and roll over it while you sitting down. Its works ...
Posted by
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Orange Run April 13 at the Curve
The Orange(BHP) run is back and its on April 13, 2008 at the curve. So guys if you want to to register, pls email me ya lastest by March 17th.
Last yr, the organiser gave backpack(polo) for those who finish the run, so this year no sure what it is, but there is a goody bag lah..
So this Sunday at Bkt Aman 6.30am, training for KLIM '08
Posted by
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mar 10, 2008
Sports Massage
At the moment , I focus more to massage head, neck and shoulder and legs. For lady runner need me to massage, must have companion ya .. else kena khalwat hahahhaha
So comes this KLIM '08, those run 42km and need massage come see me. Only for the group FOC ya, outsider whom i tak tau kena bayar.. heheheh) pls see ..Contraindications for Sports Massage below.
Go to, you can view what type of injury you have, its really informative.
So what is Sports massage ?.. (extract from
Sports massage should play an important part in the life of any sportsman or woman whether they are injured or not. Massage has a number of benefits both physical, physiological and psychological.
Massage can :
Maintain the body generally in better condition.
Prevent injuries and loss of mobility.
Cure and restore mobility to injured muscle tissue.
Boost performance.
Extend the overall life of your sporting career.
Contraindications for Sports Massage
A body temperature over 100°F, or feeling unwell
Acute Traumas - Open wounds, recent bruising, muscle tears, sprained ligaments, contusions, chilblains, burns
Tumours - Where there is swelling, which is inconsistent with recent bruising
Diseased blood vessels - Varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis
Infectious skin disease - Bacterial infection, Lymphangitis, Fungal infection, Viral infections, Herpes
Where you react adversely to massage treatment
Where your symptoms appear to make advice from a doctor advisable
Diabetes - not strictly a contraindication but massage has the same effect as exercise on your blood sugar levels so you need to have appropriate medication available
Posted by
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mar 5, 2008
Mohan and Me at SIM '07 doing the Pom Pom
Wow.... really have to salute him lah.... imagine particulary every month he will run a marathon.
To Mohan.... what can i say ... its the passion that you have and dedication
Marathons - Mohan ran last year 2007
Std Chart Hong Kong Marathon
Seow Ping comment :
Yeah I could not agree with you more about the dedication! Plus he is always so caring! Mo, you deserve the status!
Posted by
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Mar 3, 2008
Jelawang Waterfall Expedition - Mar 19 - 22
Gunung Stong State Park Adventure
The Stong State Park (formerly called Jelawang Jungle) gazeted as state park on October 2005 is listed among the top five unique ecotourism destinations in Malaysia and is situated on the fringes of Malaysia's massive Titiwangsa range. The mountainous backdrop there is made up of a chain of majestic peaks, waiting to be conquered - Gunung Ayam, Gunung Stong, Gunung Tera, Gunung Saji, Gunung Koh, Gunung Baha, Gunung Beirut, Gunung Che Tahir. (Gunung is the local word for mountain).
It covers an area of 21,962 hectares of land dotted with high peaks, dense forest, a variety of caves, rivers and waterfalls. Its thick jungle is home to elephants, tigers, bears, gibbons, hornbills and a range of other exotic wildlife, as well as a variety of flora and fauna including the world's largest flower, the rafflesia of the kerii meyer species, and the endemic long-sectioned bamboo, a type of herb - gesneriad (Didymocarpus calcareous) and a unique palm species (Licuala stongesis).One of the main attractions at the state park is Gunung Stong (1,422 meters), a dome-shaped granite complex more than 500 million years old. Here, the seven-tiered Stong Waterfalls, reputed to be the highest in Southeast Asia, drops from a height of about 495 meters above sea level.
March 19, I will be leading a group of 14 climbers to Jelawang Waterfalls, reputed to be the highest waterfall in SEA.
Will be camping for 2 nights at the peak of the waterfall as on Mar 21 will be hiking up to Gunung Beirut from there.
Chong, Chey, Yee Choy will be joining me together with my colleagues and some fellow hikers.
The journey will start on Mar 19, leaving by train(Night) at KL Sentral and arrive at Dabong early next morning.
Will start with visiting Gua Ikan ( Fish Cave) before heading to the waterfall...
more stories of the adventure will be posted soon....
Posted by
Monday, March 03, 2008
KLIM '08
Hi All..
KLIM '08 is back and its on Mar 30th and below are the runners.
Ironlady Ong Siok Bee, Ong Siok Leng, Raymond Ng, Ngae
21 km
Maryann, Shih Ming, Yap, Lee, Heng, Vin Yeoh, Kelvin, Pathma, Kar Leong
Yeoh, Chiam, Edward Chiam, Lina, Paul, Tony Q
Dr Raymond Hee
So this sunday Mar 9th at Bukit Aman, Lake Gdn... 6am will start the 20km run to Hartamas, if you guys want to run extra 5km ... on the way back run round the lake..
C u there...
Pls. note there's circuit run at 7am organised by FTAAA, its the last leg of the training run for the KLIM '08.
Tony Q
Posted by
Monday, March 03, 2008
Mar 1, 2008
IRONMAN Dr. Raymond Hee
Siok Bee at the finishing line
coming soon
Wei Kong at the finishing line
Eric at the finishing line
Heng at the finishing line
Posted by
Saturday, March 01, 2008