Jul 6, 2008

Gunung Ansi - Sat July 5th

Gng Ansi challenge was on sat. Arrived at ulu bendul at 9am with Ayat, Azlan, Nur, Seng Hooi, Junaidy, Derreck and Leesha..

We decided not to join in the competition but to be ‘pendaki haram’ or illegal competitor as we agreed to do a relax hike and rest longer at the peak.
As we started at 9.45am, the ladies category just started and we have to move aside for them to run up to the peak, as we reach the check point 3 after an hour climb, i saw the 1st male competitor coming in, the way he run and jump just its like spider man, but one slip could be fatal.
As we hike up, there number of school children taking part in the race but most of them don’t carry water , well i thot there will be water station at ceratin checkpoint and also at the peak, but i was wrong no water station , these poor school kids have to reach the peak take the ribbon and hike down. What would happen if some of them be dehydrated. When I reach the peak with seng hooi, and took our food and water out, some of them ask ‘Uncle can give us some water, so both of us gave them 1.5litres and imagine the 2 bottles shared by 20 of them.
Later Junaidy arrived and about 20mins later Nur and Ayat arrived followed by Leesha and Derreck.
At 1pm we decided to use the other trail to go down and reach the car park at 3pm.
The Ansi climb is part of our training for the Mt KK climb on Aug 28 – 31st.

The next climb will be Gng Datuk end of July.

Pixs on Gng Asni be posted soon.

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