Oct 15, 2012

Bkt Tabur 2 - Oct 13th

Last sat. met Susie, Kelly, Jason, Sim, Vince, Kristy, Trina, Geannie, Bong, KH, Leo and some of Trina friends to hike Mt KK...

Weather was cool as it was raining heavily the previous day and i thot the ground was slippery.

Kelly, Jason and the rest started 20 mins earlier and met them at the foothill of the last hill to the peak.. ..

Bong, KH and Susie been to T2 twice and yet to hike to the peak, so for the 3rd time i told them that i going to the peak as part of my training for Mt KK during the Hari Raja Haji Week with SP Setia Group and number of paxs - 40..

As i was going up the hills the development at KL have been rampant and the hills which i use to see all 'botak' with houses..... and the development now are moving innner into the greens lungs...

With the tragedy of the Highlands Towers and also landslide at the Bukit Antarabangsa... look like if no controlled, one day another incidents will happen.

Anyway,  now at the entrance at Bkt Tabur, a notice board been put up, " Tidak Di Benarkan Masuk" tanpa kebenaran. -

 Me realxinf at the peak enjoy the scenery
 View of the Klang Gates Dam

7 years ago, the view was greenery now concrete hutan

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