Dec 24, 2006

偏见 prejudice


偏见是无知的孩子,人对某一种事情都有带一些自己既有的立场。给狗吠的人不一定是贼,留了胡须的人不一定是艺术家,不过有了偏见人就会对一定的人有一定的看法。 有没有听过这个故事,有两个女士坐在同一张桌子喝茶,其中一个将雨伞放在桌旁,另外一个可能在想东西,一时忘了自己没带雨伞,顺手喝完就想带走对方的伞,那把伞的主人大声的说,“喂! 喂! 这把伞是我的呀。” 前面的女人说 OH…是是是,今天我忘了带伞”。 然后就放下了。跟,这个拿了人家的伞的女人,自己去买一把伞给自己,看到另外一把也很美,所以 就想没关系啦就买多一把吧,也不贵。于是就拿作两把伞,后来在同样 的地方,碰到同样的女人,这个女人望住那个女人在想,“呵!我都说你是人家的伞的人啦,你今天成绩不错啦” 当作他那了两把伞走。 人在判断人家时,总是有一种倾向,就是将人分为好与不好,信得过和信不过。 当一个人对一个人印像好的时后,他 做了什么,他 都会用好的角度来看待那回事。反而如果那人给规入不 好的印象,他做的事情都会给人觉得不好的。

有没有听到这种说法,做生意的人很狡猾的,女人驾车很差 的,男人啊很肮脏的,等等等等

对于不同种族,不同种类,我们都有着既有的看法,拿这些承建来平润他们。 比如一个人初到美国,去到公园散步,看到白人坐在那边谈天晒太阳,他就会想, 哈那些美国人真会享受,找够了钱就在公园晒太阳。走了不久,又看到一些黑人坐在草地上晒太阳,这位先生就想,嗨!这些黑人真是懒惰,失业也不要去找工作,一定是在拿救济金啰,这么得空在晒太阳。 为什么 之前白人在晒太阳,他就觉得他们会找钱和享受有生活品位而黑人他就觉得他们懒惰和拿救济金。 因为在他的脑海里已经有了偏见。

大多数人未必能了解你,而你也未必能完全了解他人。既然如此 又何必这样轻易的去判断,而也有人在讲一些对你的 想法时,你也 不需要太在意,因为你不了解人同样的他们也不完全了解你啊。


Dec 22, 2006

A sentence a day - Learn english

I thanked him an awful lot.

我想各位读者对于 a lot 这样的用法都不陌生。A lot 就是很多的意思,也就相当于 so many (用于可数名词),或是 so much (用于不可数名词)。比方说今天本来晚餐是打算少吃点,没想到饭后妈妈居然又煮了红豆小汤圆,所以到头来还是吃太饱了。这种情况我就可以说,"I ate too much tonight." 或是 "I ate a lot today."。但是呢?老美光讲 a lot 还不过瘾,他们又把 a lot 这个片语,硬是加上一个 awful (恐怖的) 变成了 an awful lot,意即不但是很多,而且是「恐怖」地多。例□ p "I ate an awful lot." 就是说吃的东西多到恐怖的地步,可能肚子都胀起来了。 基本上,所有包含 a lot 的句子都可以加上一个 awful 而变成比较夸张的讲法。比方说吧,a awful lot 这样的用法常被用在表达自己的谢意或是感谢人家的帮忙时。例如,"I thanked him an awful lot." (我非常地感谢他。) 或者是 "I owe her an awful lot." (我亏欠她太多了。) 加上 awful 可以表现出一种发自内心,由衷地感谢对方的诚意。

I loved him an awful lot.
I ate an awful lot yesterday night.

Dec 14, 2006



Dec 11, 2006

Bukit Tabur

Monday morning was a holiday for Selangor state. I went to Bukit Tabur again with Choong, John, SB, SB's brother and cousin. I fetched SB at 6.50am and then met Choong, SB's brother and cousin at the Caltex petrol station near the Kepong LDP tol. John (my colleague) was waiting at the Gombak Projet petrol station. We met him there and then Choong led us to the entry point of Bukit Tabur. This was my third visit there. On my earlier visits I used the middle link II from Puchong but I found that using the Kepong way was much shorter. We took only 20 minutes or so to reach the entrance point from the Kepong LDP.

We started at 8am. My left leg was still a little painful. Because of this, I found it hard to maintain my stability when crossing the stream. The current was very fast and I was anxious so I just fell and twisted my left ankle. I was still able to walk and continued on so as not to upset the others. The weather was good and the scenery was wonderful. The mist at the top was beautiful and when it cleared we could see KL clearly. Everybody's fitness level was fantastic. We took about 1 hour 20 minutes to reach the top of Bukit Tabur. The excursion ended at about 11.20am.

Let see the photos I took a long the way.

Dec 8, 2006

Company lasting

A company can last for 5 year that is because of opportunities, 10 years is because of the boss, 15 years is management, 20 years is Cultural, 25 years is Philosophy and 30 years is religion,

What you all think?

Dec 7, 2006

Secrete of Happiness

It is kind of fun to do the impossible.

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.

People can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm.

Rule #1: Don't sweat the small stuff. Rule #2: It is all small stuff.

Neither the wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to sait for the train of the future to run over him.

Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.

If you keep saying that things are going to be bad, you have a chance of being a prophet.

Impossibilities vanish when a man and his god confront a mountain.

Learn to laugh at your troubles and you'll never run out of things to laught at.

The greates use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg... not by smashing it.

快樂一生秘 訣 Secrete of Happiness

Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is the only cash you have, so spent it wisely.

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news when you change your attitude.

给我一个没有目标的人, 我会还你一个存货管理员。
Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and i will give you a man who will make history.
Give me a man without a goal, and i will give you a stock clerk.

要知道你今天回避了的责任, 它 明天仍健在。
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

Dec 5, 2006

Master talk

The ideas behind the new product and company started about 12 years ago. At that time, a woman named Lori Katz was in the Los Angeles, California area, working as a toy designer for Mattel Toys. She indicates that she has always had an interest in creating a high protein, vegetarian healthy snack at least for her own consumption, using tofu as the main ingredient.

Taking some of her "jerky" to work one day, she passed some samples out to co-workers. They, in her own words, " went crazy" for the snack and wanted to purchase more of it for their healthty snacking pleasure. The reaction from her associates triggered her entrepreneurial zeal and she immediately started fantasizing about tofu jerky's possibilities as a real product for sale to others.

Several years later, working in a difference design firm, she met her future business partner whom she identifies only a "Michael." The partner, otherwise fully employed in another major food company, has an extensive background in finance and lots of experience bringing other kinds of products to market. He also, was extremely creative.

Deciding that they could complement each other nicely as business partners, Michael went to work on the business plan while Lori continued with the R&D on the jerky and other food inventions.

It look another year, before two decided to move forward beyond their simple trials, and enter the market. They had found a local manufacturer, a great package designer, and a host of other consultants. They had also found an investor who took and equity interest in the new company, Ogee Foods, and the cmpany, and its new Protons, "the original Crunchy Tofu" were lauched.

The snacks are organic, and come in four flavors: Backyard Bar-B-Q, Tomato Herb Garden, Cinnamon Toast and Lemon Meringue Pie. They are packaged in 1.5 ounce pouches, with a suggested retail of $2.99. Generally they can be found in the ready-to-eat snack section of the retail stores.

The company claims Protons are the "first ever, great tasting super crunchy tofu product." They are made in delicious bite sized cubes that come in both the sweet and savory flavours. The products are organic, vegan, wheat/gluten/daily/egg free, non-gmo and cholesterol free. Each pouch contains approximately 15grams of protein and has the highest levels of the nultritional goodness of soy. Suggested uses include "on-the-go" snacking, for salads, soups or mixed in your own creations.

In the first attempt to sell into Portland and Eugene Oregon, they found 21 stores commited to carrying it, as well as a regional broker and a distributor of specialty foods in the Pacific Northwest.