Jan 29, 2008
Jan 21, 2008
GE Pacesetters 30km 2008
20th Jan 2008
GE Pacesetters 30km 2008
- Siok Bee - 30km - Finished
- Carol - 30km - Finished 3h 23m
- Siok Leng - 30km - Finished
- Wei Kong - 30km - Finished
- Heng - 30km - Finished
- Vin - 20km - DNS
- Yeoh - 20km - Finished
- Angie - 20km - DNC
- Shih Ming - 20km - Finished - 5th place
- Lee and Yap - 20km - Finished
- Pathma - 20km - Finished
- Maryann - 20km - Finished
Posted by
Monday, January 21, 2008
KL Forest Towerthon 2008
February 3, 2008 it’s the KL Forest Towerthon, and its my 4th time climbing up the 2,058 steps to the tower.
Joining me for this climb are Shih Ming , Yeoh, Yap KP, Lee, Pathma, Chong and Yan..
On Wednesday, its Thaipusam and public holiday for FT and Selangor, I will be at Gasing to train as Batu Caves will be crowded.
Details on the event, you can login to Menara KL website
Posted by
Monday, January 21, 2008
Jan 18, 2008
How to drink during a race
As the GE20/30km run this weekend, i read an article on the above by George Koertzen
Happy Reading guys...
What to do at refreshment stations is as personal as the way you brush your teeth or the way you tie your shoes in the morning. The most important part of this advice is that it should all be tried in a training run, not in the big race.
I am no scientist, so the advice in this article has simply been gleaned through years of personal experience.
Firstly: Do you run through the refreshment station, or do you stop and walk to swallow your Water, Coke or Powerade?
The guidelines are simple: if you are going for a silver and every second counts or are a marginal cut-off finisher then you keep moving. Either slow down a little, or drink on the run.
Be careful not to gulp a freshly poured Coke, the gas could give heart burn or stomach cramps. If you are a 10:00 Comrades runner or a 4:15 marathon runner, in other words you are not in a mad rush to get to the finish, then take a brief walk at the stations.
Make sure you get a cool drink (sometimes the drinks at the back of the table tend to be the coolest). The benefit you get from that little walk, far outweigh the disadvantages.
In my first ever 32 kilometre, I ran non-stop and finished 10th last in a sparkling 3:54, once I learnt how to take a convenient breather, I got that time down to 3:00.When you approach a station, decide where you are going to stop well beforehand (make sure you are out of the way so that you don't block the path of the runners wanting to go straight through).
Everybody stops at the first table and it is usually congested, so rather run on the second or third one.
In the same way you plan your stop, plan your start. Don't let your mind convince you a little longer walk won't hurt you... it becomes habit-forming and soon you will find the refreshment station becomes like a holiday camp and the next step is a missed cut off.
Stick to the plan!If you are drinking on the run and the spilling bothers you, squeeze the cup closed at the top and drink as if from a funnel. It is still far easier to drink the cup as per normal. If you do spill, a sachet of water sprayed on your face and in to your mouth should elevate the problem.
The table sequence in most races are Coke or Powerade first and then water, the general idea is to be able to wash the sweetness out of your mouth before you start running again. How much to drink?
The guidelines are 125 ml per three kilometres, this once again depends on your own usage. You need to be burning off the energy in the drink before filling up your tank. Comrades catches most novices by surprise, the drink stations at some places are no more than a kilometre apart, your body is crying out for a walk, so you stop for a drink... bad mistake.
Many people try to get personal seconds to get them so sort of special mixture along the road, to boost their performance.
In the Comrades for instance there is very little chance of you actually seeing your seconds on a regular basis so get used to what is served up. I would suggest that the average back marker is filling up their tank far quicker than they are emptying it.
The modern day energy drinks like Powerade and Energade are specially formulated to put back what the hard work takes out and should see you through most tough trials but once again try it for yourself -- and do so before race day and not on race day.
Happy running!
Posted by
Friday, January 18, 2008
An interesting paragraph that i rec'd from a friend and would like to share.....
"Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.
From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied: "The world over -- 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals,
When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"
"Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrow keeps you Human,
Failure Keeps you humble and Success keeps you glowing,
but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going....."
Posted by
Friday, January 18, 2008
Jan 15, 2008
Boring day
On Friday after work, I felt a bit bad because hadn't exercised for 5 days,the reason being there was still some pain in my left heel. Anyway I decided to go to the gym. I arrived at the gym center, just in time for the next body combat class. Although I joined the gym, I had never joined in their group exercise. So I decided to give it a try. I saw a guy who looked a bit clumsy because I saw he had a lot of fat and he definitely wasn't muscular! He went to the stage and adjusted the music. This made me think, "This can't be the instructor for the body combat. How is he going to jump, kick and punch? He must be just the helper for the sound system."
After a while I saw him pick up the microphone. Oh oo!! He is the body combat instructor… ok let see how he fares.
This was my first session for the body combat class at this gym… the music started, the instructor showed us some simple punches, kicks and jumps. I just did what I could. I felt so embarrassed "PAI SEH" because I was always turning to the wrong side and using the wrong leg and hand to kick and punch.
At the end of the session (Wow!) I realised that the 'clumsy' instructor could jump, kick and punch very well. But I still think the instructor should try to get rid of some of his body fat and build some muscle. Then he will look very good and won't give people a poor impression. I did not sweat much after all the kicks and punches so I went to the tread mill and worked out for another 15 minutes.
Now I feel better. At least I did something for my body.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Great Eastern 20/30km PACM run
Hi All,
This weekend will the 1st run for 2008, and the runner are all ready for it... looking to the training they had.. won't be surprised therewill be podium finisher.. not naming anyone.
Lee and Pathma will be doing the 20km whilst Ngae, Wei Kong, Eric, Raymond, Heng are doing the 30km and for the Ladies.. Maryann will be leading the pack for 20km, followed by Shih Ming, Angie, Vin, Yap and the 30km as usual ironlady Siok Bee will be spearheading and followed by her younger sis siok leng and Yeoh...
As for me I will be at the finishing line giving finisher medals with Kelvin, Kar Leong and Mum to be - Vivian will be distributing the food.
The race will start at 6am for 30km and 6.30km for 20km..
Pixs and stories of the run will be posted next week.....
Below are the runners which i think will be in the top 10 in their respective category:
Maryann - 20km Ladies Open
Siok B - 30km Ladies veteran, won't be surprise top 5
Ngae - 30km men veteran
Its a good warm up run for the coming Langkawi Ironmen on Feb 23 for Ngae, Eric, Wei Kong, Raymond and of course the only lady from the group Siok B.
C u guys on Sunday at Tapak A , Lake Garden
P3 signing off
Posted by
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Jan 10, 2008
The KL Penguins in 2006, where we accompany Eric's in the last lap for the PAR2 run at KLCC.
Come Jan 20th at Lake Gdn will be the GE20/30km run...
so this sunday is the last training for the run, and the runners are set esp those training for the Langkawi Ironmen which will be on Feb 23, 2008.
I 'm not running but will be there as volunteer together with Kelvin.
On Jan 19th, Chan Weng and me have decided to cook at tapak A, as we will be staying up late probably overnite to 'jaga' the place. Kelvin have decided to join so you guys keen to come and makan pls. let me know ya.. its will be western style.....
This sunday Bkt Aman 6am... c u guys there..
btw on the Mt KK climb ... still waiting for Edward's write up on his experiences..
Pacemaker Chairman - Ronnie's have invited our group to participate in the 4 x 2.3km on June 7, 2008 and its will be a mixed team. The KL Penguins have been supporting the event and hope that this year we can put up 2 teams..
Posted by
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Jan 4, 2008
KL Sklyline on New Year Eve
After watching the fireworks display.. "Yam Seng' at Bkt Tabur
On the right is BU and left is KLCC fireworks
Posted by
Friday, January 04, 2008
Jan 2, 2008
Jan 1, 2008
New year eve dinner
New year eve 2008, Another eating section at one of the Korean Restaurant at TAIPAN.
Very Interesting drinking section photos coming up soon...
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
30 Dec, 2007, Tony invited us to his house for MAKAN-MAKAN.

Happy New Year!!!!!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Hi ,
Its 2008, let pray and wish for joy, happiness, health and peace.
last nite, Chong, Weng, Jason, Eric, Agnes and me were at Bkt Tabur to see the fireworks display. The Panaromic view of KL and also PJ was beautiful especially the lights lited up and the fireworks.
I thought that we were the only 'crazy' ppl would climb up at 10.30pm to the peak but to my surprise it was packed when we arrived there.
Pixs of the skyline of the fireworks display will be posted soon..
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Mt KK - Dec 20 -24 - pixs
Sunrise at Laban Rata
Prayer's Hand
Sunrise at the Peak
Man at Work(Imagine carry the wooden door 6.5km) from the Base to Laban Rata
Leu's in Action
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008