Oct 16, 2008

Nike Lunar Trainer

This saturday at Bkt Aman car park, NIKE will be promoting their NIKE Lunar Trainer, so if you guys want to try it out , this saturday.

Heard from Vivian that, you can test the shoe and run for about 5km

Nike Lunar Trainer trials
Date & time : Saturday 18th Oct 2008 from 5am – 10.30am.
Venue: Bukit Aman car park
Our NIke contact person is Mr Wong Li-Zren EKIN - Nike Malaysia.

you can test the shoe for free and run any distance/according to your
Of course you are require do some form of registration since is a loan
shoes by giving your diving license as a guarantee.
fyi: LunarTrainer weighs in at 10.1oz.

NB : Thanks Vivian for the information

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