The 5km dukethon will be held tomorrow, when i rec'd the goodie bag from Ray this morning at Bt 18... wah for RM 5 get a T shirt, a cap, salonpas...
Ray, Michelle, Khoo (just got back from Australia) will be joining for the race.. as for me i kepo and will do brisk walking in view of my knee..
This morning did cycling with the gang at Bt 18 - terkala.. just to test my knee..
Met Dr Rozman last tuesday... got 15 days of tablets to makan as my right knee swell, as water rentention due to overstrain.
told him that my knee is injured and he replied.. Not ur knee injured its you who make the knee overworked...
btw Vivian Ngok gave birth on wed, her 2nd boy.. name is wei ren...met Eric. Vivian at Pantai Hospital on Thursday nite with Chan.
He advised no hiking for a month but go for cycling and light jogging