Mar 8, 2011

SAC Pre Race Clinic Singapore - Feb 26th

Charlene tag the passport while Marina checking next checkpoint

Trek down to the waterfall to validate the passport

Checkpoint 2


Charlene and Marina running down

Up the slope

Map for Orienteering and Navigate to 14 checkpoints

Charlene and Marina

Wilson briefing the participants and Avtar (SAC Race Director) on the right standing
Participants getting ready for the pre race clinic

The above pixs were taken when i was in Singapore for the SAC Pre Race Clinic.
Met the Race Director Avtar and Wilson (Coach & Director) Edge Adventure Sports.
Wilson was conducting the pre race clinic and after the race had a chat with Avtar on the coming SAC in April and what to expect.
The next SAC pre race clinic will be on March 26th at Lorong Asrama S'pore.

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